Thursday, June 16, 2011

This Evening's Walk

"Hey, what's up, man."


We pass each other on the sidewalk. He has more to say, though.

"Hey man you remind me of my friend Matt who died in a car accident yesterday."

"Oh, man. I'm sorry to hear that."

"Hey, keep your head up, alright?"

"Thanks. Likewise."

I decide to make sure and wait for all green lights and walk signs for the remainder of my stroll.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Three Hypotheses

Hypothesis 1

balding dudes with shaved heads who are avid bicyclists/dudes who are avid bicyclists
balding dudes with shaved heads/dudes

CLoEV*: High

Hypothesis 2

balding dudes with shaved heads who are avid runners/dudes who are avid runners
balding dudes with shaved heads/dudes

CLoEV: High

Hypothesis 3

balding dudes with shaved heads who are avid bicyclists/dudes who are avid bicyclists
balding dudes with shaved heads who are avid runners/dudes who are avid runners

CLoEV: Medium

*- Confidence Level of Empirical Validation